5 Top Fitness Tips

Everyone has their own style and ways to stay motivated!

We’ve summarised a top 5 that we think are equally important for all active bodies.


1. Post Workout Meals Are Key

Lots of people tend to skip that post-exercise meal or snack, however consuming the right nutrients after you exercise will help to:

  • refuel your body,

  • promote muscle recovery,

  • amp up your energy levels,

  • build a leaner physique,

  • help keep your metabolism burning strong for a longer duration after your workout

2. Stay Focused During Your Workout

This may seem like a simple one but there is actually a huge difference between going through the motions of an exercise and truly focusing and investing in the task at hand. Studies have proven that people who practice mindfulness during workouts have;

  • greater motivation to exercise,

  • are more likely to workout for longer durations,

  • have less chance of injury,

  • enjoy their workout sessions more,

  • are more likely to reach their goals.

3. The Gear Does Matter

Your workout wear should be comfortable, performance-based activewear. This can go a long way in not only helping you workout better and smarter, but psychologically, it can also boost your self confidence.

A recent study showed that 9 out of 10 gym goers agree that their activewear helps them push themselves harder. Studies have also shown that just stepping into your favourite activewear inspires you to break a sweat!

4. Core Strength Is Essential

Working on your core strength and utilising your core in every exercise will help you to avoid injury, keep your back healthy and keep you balanced with correct form.

Activities such as yoga and pilates are a great way to shift your mindset towards prioritising your core. Over time, this awareness can be used in all types of training and exercise, from running and walking, to weight training and resistance exercises.

5. Mix It Up

Like so many things in life, when we find something we like and are comfortable with, we tend to stick with it. When it comes to working out, our body is very intelligent and will adjust to any workout routine in just six weeks time. This means that to constantly be pushing your edge and seeing results, you have to switch things up. This doesn’t mean getting a whole new routine every six weeks, even making little tweaks is beneficial – like changing up the order of your strength exercises.


There are many ways in which we can help ourselves stay in peak fitness and stay motivated. While everyone has their own unique way of going about exercise, we believe that by following some of the points above you’ll see an increase in your fitness motivation!